
How Much Can I Write Before the Battery Dies?

Hey, Joey! I hear that you have this blog address now. I hope you're reading. I also heard that you want to come to IQ. Well, get to it. We have plenty of room for visitors.

Yesterday, we went to a village about an hour from where we live. We had heard that it was flooded a couple of weeks ago (I'm not really sure on the timing), so we went to see if we could offer any help. We were told that about 20 houses had been completely destroyed. Those families had been given some money and tents by the government and many had moved into a nearby town, but some had stayed behind in their tents.

We visited one of those families. They were really nice. One of their sons was suffering from constipation. He was about 5 or 6 and had been sick since the flood. Dr. Dorris checked him out and we came back later with some medication (and some raisin juice) to help him out.

It was a small need, but one we could meet yesterday. We're going back to do something more substantial, so pray for us and the people there.

I haven't been online for a long time! I downloaded all of my e-mails today, so I will go home, plug in my computer and respond to all of them.

Also, Buck Knightly, let me know as soon as your blog is up and running!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I had already planned on taking you to Queen Bee when you get home-I can't wait to sit with you and listen to your stories about your adventure-it will be such fun!!! I did check with Jeni's about sending you some ice-cream, but they don't ship internationally, yet. Sorry. Your uncle's blog is S8ntsfan@blogspot.com-check it out