
A Little Nervous

Today I feel a little nervous about the whole IQ thing. Someone, who shall remain nameless, reminded me that it was a huge life change. Not only going somewhere new, but leaving a life behind. (One that I'm pretty fond of, I might add.) I was doing a pretty good job of avoiding thoughts like that.

I can't believe that I only have 9 days of work left. It's insane to think that, in less than two weeks, I will walk out of my office and probably never go back. I have an office plant with a plastic spider in it that I've come to think of as my own, but it'll stay behind for the new testing coordinator, the new "me," so to speak. That makes me a little sad.

Not to mention the people here. They've all become an important part of my life. I mean, 9 hours a day, I'm with them. I know God has great plans for me, but I think I'll miss playing cards on slow Saturdays or just hanging out at the front desk looking at random websites. I pray that the new "me" gets as much out of these people as I did. I hope the new "me" appreciates the people around the office and can see them as more than coworkers, but also as the wonderful people that they are. I can't wait to hear where life has taken them 1, 5 or 10 years from now. Franklin's SLC has always been blessed with the best staff, whether they stay long or not.

Maybe the new "me" will leave in a couple years to become a missionary. I've told the plant to use his best persuauion tactics. I asked the plastic spider, too, butI don't trust him. :-)

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