
Back From Wisconsin

I wish I could blame my long delay in posting on my trip to Wisconsin, but that only accounts for 6 days. I also wish I could explain the trip properly. My goal when I talk to people about the trip is to get them to think "Hmmm, I should do that." Because they should. Everyone should.

But, in the end, it's an atmosphere that draws me in and keeps me wanting to go back and I just can't find the words to explain that properly. It's nice. It feels good to go and serve these people. The whole place feels peaceful happy. Ever been in an empty Catholic church on a bright day? With the sun gleaming through the stained glass windows so you can see the dust particles? It's like that.

Plus, you get to be amazed every day. Did you know that Shepherd's has a bell choir that travels the country? Did you know that Gordon traveled to Japan and won three gold medals at the Special Olympics? Did you know that Ruthie lives with a couple other girls in an apartment? On their own? Did you know that David is a certified "Master Gardener?" Did you know that Connie sings beautifully?

Nope, you don't. Because you didn't go. Maybe you didn't go because you didn't know you could. Or maybe I wasn't bold enough before to tell you that you should (but you should). Or maybe you're scared of "retarded people." I guess maybe you should be scared. They're more capable, spiritual, loving and powerful than you think they are. And they'll change your life, no doubt. So I guess you should be scared.



Anonymous said...

Were your "scared" comments meant for anyone in particular? If so, message received, appreciated and noted. Although, as right as you are, it probably won't change my mind. I wish I were more like you.

Angie said...

Do you FEEL like they were meant for you? :-)