How Cute is Nila?
Taco Truck Tour 2010
Well, here's the link (http://13months.blogspot.com/2009/04/exciting-weekend.html) if you don't and shame on you for not remembering the minute details of my life. Seriously.
Anyway, we did it again this year only this time, we took Sis and Duke instead of Vanessa, Kate and the kids The kids were with Rob and Kate is still at Miami, so they couldn't make it.
This year we checked out two new stops that we didn't last year; one in front of of the old Rainbows on Sullivant and the other just off of Georgesville near the ghetto apartment complex whose name I can't remember.
The food was great again this year and Nila was old enough to handle the event. So were Sis and Duke, but barely.
It rained on us at the end, but it was a great time.
Heres's the link to the official site for the tour. If you look closely, you'll see familiar faces in the flyer pic: